
MotaWord’s WordPress translation plugin allows you to seamlessly submit your content for translation to MotaWord directly from your WordPress admin panel. You can professionally translate your content into 110+ languages via MotaWord’s WordPress Plugin. You can learn more about MotaWord Active technology here.
We guide you below about everything while installing and setting the MotaWord plugin.
Your MotaWord developer account
MotaWord plugin communicates with MotaWord's API to automate your WordPress translations. For this, you will need a developer account and API keys.
Log into your MotaWord account here. If you don't have a MotaWord developer account yet, you can register here.
Create an "app" in your MotaWord developer dashboard if you haven't already. Click "New +":

- Give a name for your MotaWord app (integration), and select "WordPress" type, click "Create":

- That's it! Click "View Keys" to access your "API client ID/application ID" and "API client secret/application secret key":

- We will later use this ID and secret key in your WordPress plugin configuration.
Install MotaWord plugin in WordPress
- First, you must download and install the MotaWord Translation plugin. In order to do so, go to the side menu and select "Plugins>Add new".

- You will search for the ''MotaWord Translation'' plugin and click ''Install Now''..

- After clicking "Install Now," you will "Activate" our translation plugin by clicking it.

- The MotaWord Translation plugin can be found in the menu under "Settings". You will click it.

MotaWord is your translation provider under TMGMT module.
- Here, you will fill out you API ID and API Key and click Save Changes.

- In the menu, click "Posts" to select which pages of your site will be translated.

- Select which posts of your website will be translated.

- After selecting the pages to translate, select the MotaWord option under "Bulk actions" and then click the "Apply" button.

- The source and target languages must be chosen.

- To obtain a translation quote, click the "Continue to get a quote" button.

- The last step is clicking on the ‘’start project’’ button.

After all these steps, your website is in safe hands to be translated. You can see the real-time progress of your translation project on your [MotaWord dashboard] (https://www.motaword.com/login/client?redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.motaword.com%2Fprojects).
Once the translation is finalized, the translated content will be delivered directly to your WordPress dashboard, ready to publish.
Updated almost 2 years ago