CMS integrations
MotaWord Active: Recommended website localization method
Have you taken a look at MotaWord Active? That is our primary, recommended method to localize your website.
You can head to WordPress plugin repository or your WordPress installation's admin panel to install it.
Our plugin allows you to seamlessly submit your posts for translation to MotaWord from within your Wordpress admin panel.
Major benefits of translating your website using the plugin:
- Access to high-quality translation of your website content in over 70 languages using professional translators
- Fast translation turnaround time (a 10 page site can be translated into 15 languages within 24 hours - a blog post can be done within an hour)
- At least 60% cheaper than any translation agency
- No subscriptions, no bulk purchases, no minimum charges - you pay only for the # of words you are translating - whenever you need it.
- Translation Memory allowing you to leverage already translated content (you never have to pay for translating the same sentence twice)
- 100% quality guarantee on all MotaWord translations
- API & Plugin support via e-mail
PS. You will need an API key to use the MotaWord plugin. They are completely free. Just visit and register for a developer account. Then create an API application for WordPress. Click "View API Keys" button to see your client ID and secret.
Our Drupal module provides the same functionalities with the WordPress plugin, you can achieve almost everything that you can do with our API directly in your Drupal's administration interface.
Just visit our module page to install:
Updated over 2 years ago