HTTP Request
MotaWord Active ecosystem comes with all kinds of integration methods. Depending on your use case, you may opt for a browser-only integration or a full backend integration. The biggest advantage of backend integrations is full SEO compatibility.
"HTTP Request" method can help you translate any URL right on the fly before going for a deeper integration by giving your URL to our Active Serve product.
It's a simple request to Serve, appended with the URL you want to translate:
A full request looks like this:
GET / HTTP/1.1
X-MotaWord-Token: {token}
X-MotaWord-ActiveProject-Id: {projectId}
X-MotaWord-Widget-Id: {widgetId}
We recommend URL-encoding the website URL you want to translate; encoded usage looks like this:
GET / HTTP/1.1
X-MotaWord-Token: {token}
X-MotaWord-ActiveProject-Id: {projectId}
X-MotaWord-Widget-Id: {widgetId}
And that's really it. Active Serve will return translated version of the webpage you have provided.
This integration method enables many interesting use cases; for instance, one of our airport customers has been using this method to seamlessly translate their arbitrary HTML content inside their mobile app. – discuss with us for the best way to integrate with Active Serve.
Updated 10 months ago