Excosoft Documentation

Streamline Your Localization Workflow

Are you using Excosoft for technical documentation and struggling with efficient translation processes? MotaWord offers a seamless integration to simplify and accelerate your localization efforts.

Why Choose MotaWord for Your Excosoft Exports?

  1. Direct File Support: Upload your Excosoft exports directly to MotaWord - no conversion needed.
  2. Preserve Formatting: Maintain your document structure and formatting throughout the translation process.
  3. Quick Turnaround: Leverage our network of professional translators for fast, high-quality results.
  4. Cost-Effective: Pay only for the content you need translated, with no hidden fees.

How It Works

  1. Export your documentation from Excosoft
  2. Upload the file to MotaWord
  3. Receive your translated documents, ready for import back into Excosoft


  • Time Savings: Eliminate manual file preparation and post-translation formatting.
  • Consistency: Maintain terminology consistency across all your documentation.
  • Scalability: Easily handle large volumes of content across multiple languages.
  • Quality Assurance: Our translators are familiar with technical documentation, ensuring accurate translations.

Ready to simplify your Excosoft documentation translation process? Get started with MotaWord today!